Unreached people groups

Unreached people groups

Donate to support reaching unreached people groups

An unreached people group lacks enough Christians and resources to evangelise their own people. Currently there are over 6750 people groups unreached by God's word. To reach such groups the following work is being done:

  • Equipping missionaries
  • Bible and Christian literature translation
  • Supporting the small local church amongst people groups
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
—Mark 16:21, NIV

Unreached people groups projects include:

Equipping and Empowering Leaders
Equipping and Empowering Leaders
Support the development of local leaders in Thailand
"Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus" Book Translation and Publication
"Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus" Book Translation and Publication
A Hui translation of this important book to reach Chinese muslims

Unreached people groups workers include:

Craig and Kim photo
Craig and Kim
Intercultural workers among the Khmer of Cambodia
David and Eliza photo
David and Eliza
Intercultural workers among the K people of Silk Road Area
Ando photo
Serving in South East Asia

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