Projects supporting Developing Christian Leaders

Donate to Developing Christian Leaders project.

41 projects
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Church Leader Training

$11,500 Funds Needed
Developing Christian Leaders

Support training programs for church leaders

Resource a Student to be a Theological Thinker

$55 per textbook
Christian Resources Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia

Grow the library resources

The Bridge to Mission

$25 per student
Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia Young Adults

Support cross-cultural field trips for The Bridge program

Africa Mile Deep Strategy

Christian Resources Developing Christian Leaders

Support theology training in Africa

Enhance the Student Learning Experience

$250 for new equipment
Building and Maintenance Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia

Support building projects that help students

Theological Student Sponsorship

$2,200 per student PA
Developing Christian Leaders

There can be few greater causes than training leaders for the church,

Shoulder to Shoulder Project 3 - New Courses to respond to Covid

$2K-$5K per college
Developing Christian Leaders

Produce new courses for colleges in developing countries

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.