Supporting Third Culture Kids

Support Kath who walks alongside and supports Third Culture Kids at all stages

Interserve Australia

Interserve Australia

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(03) 9729 9611

Project Summary

Children and Youth Ministries

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Updated 04-02-2022

Supporting Third Culture Kids
Supporting Third Culture Kids
Supporting Third Culture Kids
Supporting Third Culture Kids

Key Points

  • Third Culture Kids (TCKs) face huge identity and transition challenges
  • Kath's work involves supporting TCKs at each stage of their journey
  • Each TCK is unique and requires personalised support
  • Help support the social, emotional, physical and spiritual lives of TCKs

Project Details

Third Culture Kids (TCKs) spend a significant part of their developmental years in a culture other than that of their parents, and so develop a relationship with both their passport culture and their host culture. Each TCK’s experience is different. Along with the benefits of growing up in an international setting, TCKs may face challenges including lots of grief and loss, a sense of identity and belonging, transitions in and out of their passport country and struggling to meet expectations. These young people are in need of personalised membercare.

Kath’s heart is to see TCKs be socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy. They should know that they are listened to, cared for, appreciated and valued. As Third Culture Kid Advocate, Kath will be equipping parents and families, running overseas retreats and children’s programs and providing input into Interserve’s resources and structures.

Kath particularly wants to help others learn how to encourage and walk alongside children and teens through the many transitions they face, by building networks and teams across Australia to support TCKs.

Kath would love your support as she seeks to support TCKs from all over Australia as they serve in another culture alongside their families.

Associated projects

Supporting Third Culture Kids
Supporting Third Culture Kids
Support Kath who walks alongside and supports Third Culture Kids at all stages

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