Promote Community

Donate to promote community-focussed time at SMBC

Sydney Missionary and Bible College

Sydney Missionary and Bible College

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+61 2 9747 4780

Project Summary

Building and Maintenance

$52K to replace ovens


Tax Deductible

Updated 03-06-2024

Project image

Project Details

Community-focussed time spent over meals are where many a deep conversation takes place. We feed over 150 students, staff and families each day. SMBC is committed to learning in community and as meals are core aspects of that, we need to keep our commercial kitchen facilities in good working order.

$52,000 will replace our wearing and old ovens (with spare parts no longer available) with either new or good second hand ovens (tax deductible).

To Donate:

  • click the donate button to be transferred to the donor site for the 'SMBC Building and Maintenance Fund' (Tax Deductible)

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