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Sydney Missionary and Bible College

For the sake of His Holy Name

Regions Served
  • Anywhere
  • Australia - Remote & Regional
  • Australia - Urban
  • Australia - Northern Territory
  • Africa - Central
  • Africa - Eastern
  • Africa - Northern
  • Africa - Southern
  • Africa - Western
  • America - Central
  • America - Northern
  • America - Southern
  • Asia - Central
  • Asia - Eastern
  • Asia - South
  • Asia - South Eastern
  • Asia - West
  • Confidential
  • Europe - Central
  • Europe - Eastern
  • Europe - Northern
  • Europe - Southern
  • Europe - Western
  • Middle East
  • Pacific & Oceania
  • Russian Area Countries
  • Australian College of Theology
  • Non-denominational
  • Missions Interlink
  • Registered Charity
  • Tax Deductible Projects
  • Non-Tax Deductible Projects

About SMBC

SMBC is thoroughly evangelical and Bible-centred, interdenominational in character, strongly cross-culturally mission-minded, and underpinned by a committment to learning and being transformed in the context of caring community.

The College was established in 1916 by Reverend Benson Barnett, a returned missionary of the China Inland Mission (known now as OMF) whose mission was to train men and women for cross-cultural Christian service. Without exception, God's provision through the prayers and generosity of his people has enabled the College to prepare students for gospel work at home or overseas for over 100 years. SMBC's committment is to make known the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Located in Sydney's cosmopolitan inner west (and a centre on Sydney's Northern Beaches), SMBC is approved by the Australian College of Theology to offer a variety of courses at undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels.  SMBC offers a flexible approach to learning, with full-time and part-time, day or evening, intensive mode, or semester-length options to meet the needs of Christians from various backgrounds and ministry goals. See Courses

Our experienced and caring teaching staff come from diverse backgrounds of ministry and missionary experience. It is not only their academic expertise which will stretch and deepen your biblical thinking, it's their life experience 'on the field' that provides application to what they teach. View Faculty Profiles

Our general staff bring to the College many years of experience in both Christian and corporate sectors. Like the lecturers, they too are representative of the interdenominational and multi-ethnic nature of the College.

SMBC graduates are highly regarded in the Christian community. Graduates work overseas or across regional Australia as missionaries, as church pastors, in university ministries and para-church organisations or return to the workforce for ministry opportunities and more equipped to serve in the local church. View Graduate Attributes

We are a residential and non-residential College. We believe theological learning in the context of community is the best preparation for ministry whether here in Australia or overseas.

We praise and thank God for our supporters. As an interdenominational College with no denominational financial support, your gifts are such an encouragement to us, and more importantly, to the work we do here in teaching the Bible and, under God, preparing the next generation of gospel workers.

SMBC projects include:

SMBC projects
Enhance the Student Learning Experience
Support building projects that help students
SMBC projects
Mobilise Harvest Workers
Finance a lecturer taking students on an overseas field trip
SMBC projects
Support a Student
Help us provide greater financial support for Australian students

Support SMBC

Ways to support include:

Financially Support Prayer Support Visit Website

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