Shane and Jemimah Paxa

Field Worker

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Worker Summary

Children and Youth Ministries Unreached people groups


Evangelism & Discipleship, Youth & Children

Long Term

Shane and Jemimah Paxa

Worker Details

Over the past 10 years, Jemimah and I have been reaching out and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to the youth of Ukraine.

We predominantly work with youth and young adults, focusing on winning souls and discipleship. Currently we are working on constructing a Youth Centre so we will be better equipped and be able to reach a greater number of young people in our village.

We are also members of a local church and take part in community outreaches, summer camps and a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre.

In the 10 years on the field there have been valleys where we have had to trust God in the darkness, as well as many great times on the mountains of joy. We live by Jesus’ words – that He came to give life, and life to the full. We are filled with passion for His kingdom and sharing that passion with others.

Thank you for partnering with us. We look forward to God opening doors into greater opportunities to take His light and love to the Ukrainian people.

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