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Operation Mobilisation Australia Ltd

We are a global community of Jesus followers, united to bring God’s love to those who don’t know it.

Regions Served
  • Australia - Urban
  • Africa - Central
  • Africa - Eastern
  • Africa - Northern
  • Africa - Southern
  • America - Southern
  • Asia - Central
  • Asia - Eastern
  • Asia - South
  • Asia - South Eastern
  • Confidential
  • Europe - Eastern
  • Europe - Northern
  • Europe - Southern
  • Europe - Western
  • Middle East
  • Pacific & Oceania
  • Russian Area Countries
  • Missions Interlink

About OM

At the heart of OM Australia is a group of people completely sold out for Jesus.  For us, missions is more than an adventure or an experience; it's a lifestyle that reflects what a vibrant community of Jesus followers can become.  Moved by God's Spirit and yet utterly dependent on Him, we cross boundaries and push limits in our desire to worship Him truthfully and serve Him humbly.

Our dream is to see thousands of vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached and through His liberating love we are seeing remarkable witness in our key focus areas: Church Partnership; Loving our Neighbour; Relief, Development & Justice and Next Generation.  Mutually beneficial church partnerships have led to a new era of mission workers producing powerful fruit and we continue to reach out in love through our Muslim Peoples ministry.  We are privileged to care for those in need, both in the short and long term and we are seeing the transforming power of young faith being released in our Next Generation.  Our approaches and methods are as varied as the people we seek to reach but our commitment to demonstrating His love and compassion does not waver.  

Our prayer is that you and many others will dream with us and join this journey as we pray, give and go together.

OM projects include:

OM projects
OM Bangladesh Education Project
Improving literacy of vulnerable adults and children in rural Bangladesh
OM projects
OM Bangladesh Education Project
Improving literacy of vulnerable adults and children in rural Bangladesh
OM projects
OM Near East Refugee Relief
Support refugees who have fled from Syria to neighbouring countries

OM workers include:

Trish Sonsie
Trish Sonsie
Head Bookkeeper
Alva Family
Alva Family
Marine Superintendant
Ruby Blake
Ruby Blake
Chief Financial Officer OM Australia

Support OM

Ways to support include:

Financially Support Prayer Support Visit Website

Let your friends know about OM.