Existing Missionaries Needing Support

Campus Work, Youth, Church, Family

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Power to Change

Learn about: Power to Change

See more: Power to Change workers

(03) 9014 7584

Worker Summary

Children and Youth Ministries Church Planting and Growth Family Support Student Ministry

Across Australia

Student Ministry

Long Term

Existing Missionaries Needing Support

Worker Details

The Bible tells us… “The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few.” And we know this to be true!

Where is the harvest? In Australia, there is great opportunity to share about Jesus in our schools, universities, neighbourhoods and workplaces where many have no-one to explain the good news to them. We are rich culture with people from all over the world living, working, studying or visiting.

Power to Change has over 150 missionaries serving here in Australia on uni campuses and high schools, and in the communities helping families and churches, to make disciples.  

All Power to Change missionaries develop their own team of ministry partners who pray and give financially to enable the missionary to focus on ministry. Please help them grow their support. 

You can either choose one yourself, or if you want to know more then email support @powertochange.org.au and they will help you choose someone in need. They will then continue to update you and pray for you.  


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