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Power to Change

Connecting people to Jesus and each other

Regions Served
  • Australia - Urban
  • Missions Interlink
  • Registered Charity

About Power to Change

Power to Change is an international, faith-based mission organisation that seeks to build spiritual movements by connecting people to Jesus and each other. We serve on university campuses, in schools, church planting,focus with families, take medical missions overseas and work with digital strategies. 

Internationally we are known as Cru or Campus Crusade for Christ and have approximately 17,000 missionaries serving in over 160 countries. Launched in 1967, we have 150 people serving throughout the country.

We invite you to prayerfully consider whether the Lord is calling you to serve Him through Power to Change.

Power to Change projects include:

Power to Change projects
Innovative Evangelism
We don’t lack ideas but lack resources to go after them. Help us innovate to connect people to Jesus
Power to Change projects
Missionary Leadership Development
We love our missionaries. We need to help them grow and achieve all that God has for them.
Power to Change projects
Church Movements Ministries
Build disciple making movements that connect people to Jesus and each other.

Power to Change workers include:

Existing Missionaries Needing Support
Existing Missionaries Needing Support
Campus Work, Youth, Church, Family

Support Power to Change

Ways to support include:

Financially Support Prayer Support Visit Website

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