Wycliffe Bible Translators Projects

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10 projects
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Scripture Material Distribution in remote Central Australia

General Funds Needed
Indigenous Australian Ministries

Assist with the very significant costs involved in driving to remote communities to distribute Scrip

Anmatyerr Translation & Scripture Engagement

General Funds Needed
Indigenous Australian Ministries

The Anmatyerr are looking forward to receiving extensive portions of Scripture in their language.

Moba Literacy – Africa

$27,000 Funds Needed
Education for all Family Support Poor Women Empowerment

Transformation through literacy

Bible Translation Training and Workshops Australia

General Funds Needed

train non-linguists to come alongside aspiring Aboriginal translators

Indigenous Scripture Bookshop Workers

General Funds Needed

employ Indigenous Australians to work in the Darwin bookshop

Translator Training Vanuatu

$32,136 Funds Needed
Christian Resources Church Planting and Growth Developing Christian Leaders Education for all Worker Support

Translator Training Vanuatu

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.

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