Projects supporting Christian Resources

Donate to Christian Resources project.

30 projects
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Better Learning Brighter Lives

General Funds Needed
Children and Youth Ministries Christian Resources Developing Christian Leaders Family Support Poor Student Ministry Unreached people groups

Hope through education

Sponsor a prisoner's Bible lessons

$20 per/prisoner/mth
Christian Resources Prison Ministry

Help share God's word from $20 per month

Malawi Project

Christian Resources

Evangelism and Making Disciples

Project Philip

General Funds Needed
Christian Resources

A Bible study program that helps people around the world to understand God’s Word

Africa Mile Deep Strategy

Christian Resources Developing Christian Leaders

Support theology training in Africa

Support A National Worker

$2,400 Annual
Christian Resources Worker Support

Help Bring the Gospel to all peoples by supporting a GRN's national workers

Bringing Hope Behind Bars

General Funds Needed
Christian Resources Prison Ministry

Shine God’s light and plant Prison Bibles to bring hope in Aussie jails

Church Planter Training

General Funds Needed
Christian Resources Church Planting and Growth Developing Christian Leaders

In places where there are no local churches, and for growing churches eager to share the Gospel.

Mozambique Oral Bible Translation

$39,465 Funds Needed
Christian Resources Unreached people groups

Support the development of this oral Bible translation so the Yawo can hear the Word of God

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.