Projects supporting Christian Resources

Donate to Christian Resources project.

30 projects
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Support A National Worker

$2,400 Annual
Christian Resources Worker Support

Help Bring the Gospel to all peoples by supporting a GRN's national workers

Bibles and Scriptures Fund

General Funds Needed
Christian Resources

Many persecuted Christians are deprived of Christian resources that would help them grow.

Sponsor a prisoner's Bible lessons

$20 per/prisoner/mth
Christian Resources Prison Ministry

Help share God's word from $20 per month

Equip a Recordist

Christian Resources Worker Support

Enable people to hear the gospel in their own language

Resource a Student to be a Theological Thinker

$55 per textbook
Christian Resources Developing Christian Leaders Theological Students in Australia

Grow the library resources

Translator Training Vanuatu

$32,136 Funds Needed
Christian Resources Church Planting and Growth Developing Christian Leaders Education for all Worker Support

Translator Training Vanuatu

Shoulder to Shoulder Project 2 - Online Education

$1K-$3k per college
Christian Resources Developing Christian Leaders

Enable/improve education during Covid-19

* Disclaimer: Please check details before making any donations.