Tropical Disease Control in Zamfara

improve health services, train health workers, and increase access to health clinics at a local leve

The Leprosy Mission Australia

The Leprosy Mission Australia

Learn about: The Leprosy Mission

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(03) 9890 0577

Project Summary

Disability Support Health Care Humanitarian Aid Water & Sanitation

General Funds Needed


Tax Deductible

Updated 25-11-2020

Project image

Key Points

  • 15,750 people reached with health promotion activities
  • 100 health workers trained in leprosy and lymphatic filariasis diagnosis and man
  • 493 people reached with inclusive WASH promotion activities
  • 162 assistive devices fitted to people with disabilities

Project Details

Strengthening Integrated Neglected Tropical Disease Control in Zamfara

This project aimed to increase access to quality leprosy, lymphatic filariasis (LF) and disability services within an integrated health system for communities in Zamfara. The project worked closely with the Government’s Department of Health to improve health services, train health workers, and increase access to health clinics at a local level. The project also worked with communities to help ensure people with disabilities were included in society.

Some of last year’s achievements include:

  • 15,750 people reached with health promotion activities
  • 100 health workers trained in leprosy and lymphatic filariasis diagnosis and management
  • 493 people reached with inclusive WASH promotion activities
  • 162 assistive devices fitted to people with disabilities

Social Return on Investment

Thirty government health workers were given a three-day training course on leprosy and lymphatic filariasis diagnosis and treatment, at a cost $193 per health worker.

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