Vocational Training Centre Project

Help provide a free, quality, co-ed education to students who are impacted by leprosy or disability

The Leprosy Mission Australia

The Leprosy Mission Australia

Learn about: The Leprosy Mission

See more: The Leprosy Mission projects

(03) 9890 0577

Project Summary

Livelihoods (Job Creation)

General Funds Needed


Tax Deductible

Updated 05-05-2020

Vocational Training Centre Project
Vocational Training Centre Project
Vocational Training Centre Project
Vocational Training Centre Project
Vocational Training Centre Project
Vocational Training Centre Project

Key Points

  • 60 students were provided with boarding and food at the VTC at a cost of $271
  • 89 girls found gainful employment after finishing their course last year
  • 35 employers sensitised to disability and gender equitable workplaces
  • 574 students trained in a technical skill, & provided with business & life skill

Project Details

The Vocational Training Centre (VTC) provides a free, quality, co-ed technical education to students who are directly affected, or the dependents of people affected by leprosy or disability. Courses include electrical engineering, mechanics, tailoring, and air-conditioning and refrigeration.

Last year, the Vocational Training Centre’s achievements included:

  • 574 students trained in a technical skill, and provided with business and life skills training
  • 89 girls found gainful employment after finishing their course
  • 35 employers sensitised to disability and gender equitable workplaces, and fair labour conditions

Social Return on Investment

60 students were provided with boarding and food at the VTC at a cost of $271 for the year.

Project Outcome: Educated girls have more choices

At just 17, Rajesweri is one of the students studying electrical engineering. She is excited to have this opportunity as she has big dreams for her future: “I chose the electrical engineering course, as I knew there could be some good opportunities for me to pursue a career with the government when I qualify,”Rajesweri said. A diagnosis of leprosy did not stop this determined young woman.

With a little encouragement from her father (who admitted that he had leprosy in the past), Rajesweri applied to study at the VTC in Vadathorasalur. “I now want to finish my studies and get a good job first before I consider marriage.” she says. Rajesweri has also received physiotherapy and self-care training. The clawing of her hands has reduced considerably. Her family also received counselling. “Now my mother is understanding of leprosy and knows that it is not a curse,” she said. All thanks to people like you!

“After getting leprosy, I never thought I would get an opportunity to study. Thanks to supporters like you, this has been possible. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!” – Rajesweri

Associated projects

Gift of Love – Student Uniforms
Gift of Love – Student Uniforms
Enable a student affected by leprosy to have the confidence to attend and participate in school

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