Sustain a family with monthly food parcels

Support needy Christians living with pressure and persecution across the world

Barnabas Fund (Australia) Limited

Barnabas Fund (Australia) Limited

Learn about: Barnabas Aid

See more: Barnabas Aid projects

08 8117 8079

Project Summary

Family Support Humanitarian Aid Persecuted Christians

$35 per family/mth

Pakistan and where needed

Not Tax Deductible

Updated 24-05-2020

Project image

Project Details

By joining Living Streams you can become part of a continuous lifeflow helping Christians living with pressure and persecution around the world. One impactful and enduring way to do this is to sustain a Christian family living in severe poverty with a monthly food parcel. 

This will mean they never have to go hungry, and also brings positive change to many other areas of their lives.

If you give a regular monthly gift, we will send you a prayer card with a photograph and details of the family you are sustaining, as well as regular news updates. The cost of a monthly food parcel in Pakistan is *$35. But you can join Living Streams and help sustain a family by giving any regular amount, large or small.

Unfortunately, we cannot normally arrange for the exchange of letters between you and the family. This is due to security issues in regions

of persecution, and so that we can keep administration costs down and maximise the help given to the family. 

To sustain a family with monthly food parcels you can visit our website

(*Suggested amount based on typical costs.)

Encourage a friend to support Sustain a family with monthly food parcels.

Discover ways to support Family Support.