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Missions Interlink

Missions Interlink is the Australian network for global mission.

Regions Served
  • Australia - Remote & Regional
  • Australia - Urban
  • Missions Interlink

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About MI

Missions Interlink is the Australian network for global mission.

We exist to connect Australians with a passion for global mission. Together, as God’s people, we can be more effective in cross-cultural and global mission, and demonstrate unity in Christ.

We operate across Australia providing training and networking opportunities, sharing information and resources, facilitating collaboration and high standards of practice, and advocating on behalf of our Members and Associates.

Missions Interlink is a ministry of the Australian Evangelical Alliance Inc. ABN 54 056 007 820, a registered charity with ACNC.

Our Community

Our national office is a central point for connecting with us. It is responsible for all membership enquiries, a national email newsletter, regular Not-For-Profit updates, training events and advocacy on matters of national interest and benefit to mission.

You might also want to check out the activities and local networks of our branch in your state.

As a ministry of the Australian Evangelical Alliance Inc. we are affiliated with EthosCMAStewards’ Insurance Services Pty LtdEA Insurance and EA Foundation. We are connected internationally through the WEA Mission Commission


MI workers include:

Noel & Catharine Carpenter
Noel & Catharine Carpenter
Aviation & Translation & Literacy

Support MI

Ways to support include:

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