Livelihoods (Job Creation)

Livelihoods (Job Creation)

Help create jobs which in turn alleviates poverty

The creation of a livelihood (job creation) is an effective way to lift people out of poverty.

A number of Christian missions are working to create or support jobs in developing countries as follows:

  • Vocation training - provide training in the skills needed to obtain a job.
  • Microfinance - lending money to an entrepreneur or small businesses on good terms to help start or grow a business. 
  • Business creation - create a business with the intention of creating good jobs for locals
  • Equipping people with ‘tools’ for their trade
"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands."
—Psalms 90v17

Livelihoods (Job Creation) projects include:

Nepal Education Program
Nepal Education Program
The Education Program helps children affected by leprosy or disability attend school.
Gift of Love – Pair of Chickens
Gift of Love – Pair of Chickens
This gift will help set up a poultry business.

Livelihoods (Job Creation) workers include:

Ally photo
Serving in South East Asia
Pat and Joy photo
Pat and Joy
Intercultural workers in South East Asia
Kate photo
Serving in South East Asia

Encourage your friends to support job creation in poor countries